Saturday, November 8, 2008

Enough said...

Ran across this reading a random blog and thought it worthy to share -

"I worked in the ER last night and am reminded of how fragile life is. Reminded that we are not promised a tomorrow. Not promised LATER. So in an effort to take something from the young life lost last night I urge you to tell your family you love them, to make the most of each moment. To live life to its fullest. To pray without ceasing, to love unconditionally. To give like you have the world in your hands. Love, love love and take a moment to enjoy this life. God has blessed us so completely and totally, and in the craziness of the world we live in, we forget to look at the beauty around us, to love those around us, and to be thankful for the situations we are in. I am thanking God for my friends and family. For his unbelievable generosity and forgiveness, and for all the tomorrows I do have"

enough said.

1 comment:

Texas Mom said...

What a powerful message. Thanks for sharing!