Wednesday, September 10, 2008

'Come look at this!'

On Saturday we got to witness the most amazing thing.... there was a huge spider web attached to the basketball post and a cicada had gotten itself stuck in it. The cicada was going crazy trying to get out and buzzing and squirming. Kirk called us all out to witness this and at the time the spider was no where to be seen so we were like this is cool and then.... we saw HER! Coming up from the bottom was a HUGE spider, well me being the softy wanted to let the cicada free and the Kirk was like just wait and see what happens. We were huddled around like a bunch of vultures waiting for the kill - I still wanted to let the cicada free but I was out voted with the comments it is 'the circle of life' . Who cares, I still felt bad for the cicada. Any way the spider made HER way up to the top and decended upon the cicada who started this horrible bzzzzzing sound and then all of the sudden stopped. Owen was like 'why did he stop bzzzzing' and Mere goes 'duh you dummy the spider killed it' - Owen 'Ohhhhhh' . We got some amazing pictures of this act - which Owen is going to use as his very first share of the year. It was pretty cool to witness because I have never seen anything quit like this. In this pictures you can actually see the web coming out across the cicada by his neck. We did a little research and think the spider is a 'common house spider' (the real name of it) but I don't really know it was the best I could come up with because it is kinda creepy trying to identify it. Any way that was a very cool experience for us all.
BTW - we let 'HER' enjoy her last meal and then ....

1 comment:

Christy said...
